Other POS

Draw attention with additional POP and POS materials marketing.

Support the perception of your brand or product by other means. Thanks to card and cardboard being easy to work with it is possible to produce intricate 3D products and successfully use them e.g. at point of sale, promotional events, conferences, trade fairs, corporate events, parties or anywhere you want to be seen

We produce from small quantities right up to large batches. Just choose from a wide range of banners, advertising hoardings, figures, totems or cardboard furniture ideas. If you have your own specific idea, contact us – we will be glad to help you make it a reality.


Pallet decorations

Presentational furniture



Operating Restrictions

Dear customers, we apologize, but the current flood situation has caused a failure in our information system. As a result, we are currently unable to enter new orders into production.

This does not affect orders that have already been scheduled; we are processing those as agreed.

Orders that are already completed can be dispatched upon agreement. Please contact our customer service department.

Our customer service department is operating at 100%, so we continue to send out quotations and price offers.

We are working diligently to resolve the issue, but it may take a few days.

As soon as we are back in operation, we will inform you here on our website and via our newsletter.

Thank you for your understanding.