Presentational furniture

Make an impression at a trade fair or elsewhere when presenting your brand or product.

Cardboard furniture ideas are always an original and eye-catching piece for demonstration events, for a trade fair stand or for the interior of a company, office or apartment.

We offer various types of cardboard presentation furniture. We offer various types of cardboard furniture ideas. If you have your own specific idea, contact us – we will be glad to help you make it a reality.

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Operating Restrictions

Dear customers, we apologize, but the current flood situation has caused a failure in our information system. As a result, we are currently unable to enter new orders into production.

This does not affect orders that have already been scheduled; we are processing those as agreed.

Orders that are already completed can be dispatched upon agreement. Please contact our customer service department.

Our customer service department is operating at 100%, so we continue to send out quotations and price offers.

We are working diligently to resolve the issue, but it may take a few days.

As soon as we are back in operation, we will inform you here on our website and via our newsletter.

Thank you for your understanding.