We have FSC® certification C-188297
If you purchase products marked with an FSC® certificate, you can be sure that they are environmentally friendly products. The certificate, the obtaining and possession of which is subject to strict rules, audits and checks on all entities in the processing chain, guarantees the origin of materials from sustainably managed forests.

What is the FSC®?
The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) was established in 1993 with the basic idea “to promote environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management around the world, thereby helping to protect the disappearing, endangered and devastated world forests”.
The FSC® principles include, for example, forest management that preserves biodiversity. Care for water resources, soil and the entire ecosystem is therefore a matter of course in these forests. This also involves regulating plantations in such a way that they are only a supplementary part of management in natural forests.
FSC® certification types
There are three types of FSC® logo that products with this certification are marked with. They distinguish whether the products are made purely of wood (FSC® 100%), from materials from FSC® certified forests and from recycled materials (FSC® MIX) or purely from recycled wood or paper (FSC® RECYCLED).

Under the FSC® logo on the label, you will always find the license number of the company that manufactured the product or that sells it. You can verify the validity of a license in the international database of holders of an FSC® certificate.
FSC® in the world and in the Czech Republic
For the Czech Republic, this means the restoration of natural tree species (beech, oak and fir), harvesting trees using more sustainable methods, which makes forests more resilient, leaving some trees to age and decompose in the forest and even leaving parts of forests for natural development.
Today, the FSC® system certifies more than 220 million hectares of forests in 82 countries around the world, with the most certified forests located in Europe. There are more than 120,000 hectares in the Czech Republic and the certified areas are increasing every year. A large number of not only wood-processing companies, but also many other businesses throughout the processing chain hold the certificate. And we have been one of them since 2023.
FSC® at Paketo
What does FSC® certification mean for us at Paketo.group?
- purchase of materials from suppliers with FSC® certification;
- thorough inspection of supplied materials and products from these certified suppliers;
- verification of received invoices, delivery notes and other documents, which must contain certification information;
- issuing invoices and delivery notes with information about FSC® certification C-188297;
- compliance with all rules and conditions for holding FSC® certification, regular audits and inspections.
Thanks to FSC® certification, we and our customers who purchase FSC® certified products from us can contribute to supporting sustainable and legal logging and forest management in a way that is close to nature.